Mumbai: Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has always known the trick to grab eyeballs. The Bollywood heartthrob of the 70s has always seemed like a jovial person. Which is why it makes perfect sense that, on Twitter, he is possibly the funniest celebrity around.
His tweets are often laced with irreverent humour. The recent tweet on Zara was no different. He seemed perplexed by the latest Zara collection,posting a picture of a stylishly ripped top and jeans to offer on sale on Twitter, Rishi captioned it with a twist on the conventional discount mantra: “Buy two, get one begging bowl free”.
His funny tweet left us in fits of laughter. However, apart from films his presence in the social media has kept the actor in the limelight.
Rishi Kapoor has made a much grander comeback to the public eye on social networking sites than in Bollywood. He has also used his wit to weigh in on issues that have dominated the news.
The actor has always created a stir every time he makes a tweet. Be it sparking a controversy or tickling your funny bones, Rishi Kapoor has done it all.