Rinkoo Rahee’s journey from survivor of mafia’s seven bullets to civil servant

New Delhi: Rinkoo Rahee who was a Provincial Civil Service (PCS) officer has cracked UPSC Civil Services exam 2021. He secured AIR 683. However, his journey from PCS officer to UPSC civil servant was not an easy one.

During his service as a PCS officer, he unearthed an Rs. 100-crore scholarship scam. Following this, the mafia who was behind the scam targeted him and seven bullets were fired at him.

Out of seven, three bullets had hit his face. The attack made him blind in one eye and left him impaired hearing in one ear.

The attack proved to be a turning point in his life as it was a time when he decided to crack UPSC civil services exam. However, the journey was not smooth.

After the attack, he was hospitalized and later, sent to a psychiatric ward for too much protesting against corruption. Even his medical leave was not sanctioned.

However, nothing stopped him from cracking the civil services exam and becoming a civil servant.

Anti-corruption stand

The reason for his strict stand against corruption can be traced to his early life.

After the death of his grandfather, his grandmother was thrown out of the house. At that time, his father was 10-year-old.

Despite being good at studies, his father had to discontinue studies to take responsibility of the family.

After coming to know about his family’s ordeal, he started holding government officials responsible for it as he thinks that if they would have been honest, his family would have benefited from the government schemes.