New Delhi: Union Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu, on Wednesday, announced that three new terminals are going to be built in North, South and North East parts of the country.
“I am happy that the cabinet has approved three major projects for modernising, upgrading services, building new terminals or upgrading the existing terminals in Chennai, Lucknow and Guwahati,” Suresh Prabhu told ANI.
The investment would be around 6,000 crores, which will provide top class experience to the passengers transcending from those airports, he added.
Lucknow has emerged as an important centre now. It is the most populous state in the country. It will have the best airport, Prabhu said.
Talking about Chennai, he said it has always been growing very fast and therefore, providing second terminal and additional facilities will be of great help.
He further said Guwahati too will get a new terminal, which will help North East develop very fast.
“This again is a vision of our honourable PM that all the amenities & infrastructure in India should be constantly upgraded. This is a step forward in making India the best destination for tourism and aviation,” Prabhu told ANI.
“If the airports don’t grow as fast as the aviation sector is growing, we’ll have a big challenge,” Prabhu said.
This is a right step in the right direction, he said, thanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi for sanctioning the funds.(ANI)