Mumbai: Actor Rhea Chakraborty, who was arrested in a drug case linked with actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death and was later sent to the custody of NCB till September 22, submitted bail application in a local court here in which she claimed that she is being falsely implicated in the case.
Satish Maneshinde, Chakraborty’s lawyer said that hearing in the bail applications of Chakraborty and her brother Showik, who was also arrested in the same case will be held on September 10.
Chakraborty’s bail application stated that no drugs or psychotropic substances have been seized from her and the allegations, if any, would pertain strictly to smaller quantities.
Thus, the offence, if any is bailable, the application said.
Chakraborty said that there is nothing on record to suggest that she was in any way involved with the financing of illicit traffic and/or harbouring the offenders in relation to any drug.
According to the application, NCB in its remand application on September 8 said that the actor allegedly only procured drugs for Rajput.
It stated that NCB said Chakraborty is an “active member” of a “drug syndicate” only on allegations that she was managing finance for drug procurement with Rajput and procuring drugs for him.
The application stated that the NCB is silent on the amount of financing, quantum of drugs and types of drugs allegedly procured and financed by Chakraborty.
There is no evidence of Rhea procuring or financing any drugs outside of the period when she was Sushant, as per the bail application.
The application also stated that the NCB has not disclosed any connection between Chakraborty and any drug peddler.
“During her custody, she was coerced into making incriminatory confessions and that statement was retracted on September 8 itself,” read the content from the bail application.
Chakraborty stated that she was interrogated by male officers and not even a single female officer was present during her interrogation.
There is nothing on record to show Rhea Chakraborty’s involvement in any of the allegations made by NCB, the application said.
On Tuesday, Chakraborty was sent to 14-day judicial custody after her bail plea was rejected by the court.
The NCB launched an investigation after it received official communication from Enforcement Directorate (ED), in which there were various chats related to drug consumption, procurement, usage and transportation in connection with the Sushant Singh Rajput case.
The agency had said that linkages of Parihar with the earlier registered i.e., based on the preliminary enquiry on the details submitted by ED, were found.
The ED had on July 31 registered an Enforcement Case Information Report in the late actor’s death case after a First Information Report (FIR) was filed by Rajput’s father KK Singh against Rhea Chakraborty in Bihar on July 28.
Rajput was found dead at his Mumbai residence on June 14.