The blessed month, Ramadan 2020 has sadly ended, but the rewards need not stop there.
Set yourself some post-Ramadan goals to keep you focused, and on the same level spiritually and in terms of strength.
Read a portion of the Qur’an every day:
Reading the Qur’an every day is our duty as Muslims. It has been delivered to us as a guide, a way of living. Did you know that the rewards for reciting one letter from the Qur’an are ten-fold?
Improve your pronunciation of the Qur’an:
Practice reciting the Qur’an every day. Our recitation will improve considerably, and we will increase our status in Allah SWT’s eyes. Our wealth in this world is not measured by what is contained in our wallets, but by how much we practice our book, our guide to Paradise. It is, after all, for our own betterment.
Recite Nafl (optional) prayers regularly:
The benefits of praying Nafl (Sunnah) prayers are endless. They are voluntary prayers and classed as an additional blessing. They keep shaytaan (devil) further away from our homes and bring us closer to Allah SWT.
Perform Wudhu before you go to bed:
Death is a given, and nobody knows when their time will come. Hence, it is important to try and stay in wudhu wherever possible. He who sleeps in a state of purity has the Angels watching over him throughout the night, asking for forgiveness to Allah SWT, on their behalf. Should we pass away through the night whilst we are in a state of purity, we shall die a faithful Muslim.
Keep optional fasts on Mondays and Thursdays:
The rewards for good deeds during these fasts are multiplied by ten. The significance of fasting on a Monday is that it was the day our Prophet Muhammad, SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, was born, and also marks the day the revelation was sent to Him. It is said that Prophet Muhammad, SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, Himself used to fast every Monday and Thursday. Thursday is known as a day where our deeds are shown to Allah SWT, and our deeds are indeed purer whilst we are fasting.
Be mindful of your speech:
Ultimately, when we fast, we do not only refrain from food and drink, but also from bad language, backbiting and other sinful acts as well. We can continue this post-Ramadan and attempt to stay away from such language and any other acts, which could have an impact on the rewards we have strived for.
Visit the sick:
Visiting the sick was a practice of Prophet Muhammed, SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. It is a duty of ours, towards our brothers and sisters in Islam. It is said that the rewards for visiting a sick person are extortionate. Allah SWT assigns 70,000 angels to those Muslims who visit the sick in the morning, and 70,000 angels in the evening – each Angel praying for your mercy. Those who voluntarily visit the sick will also have a garden built for them in Jannah.
Keep regular daily invocations:
It is of the utmost importance to keep reciting our daily supplications, those of which are obligatory and non-obligatory. Duas will only strengthen our imaan (faith), both in this world and the hereafter, and will serve as our shield on the Day of Judgement.
Take care of your body through healthy exercise and eating:
Our physical appearance and body are gifted to us by Allah SWT. It is, therefore, our duty to take good care of it. We should stay away from harmful or toxic substances, eat healthily, exercise, and keep fit – both internally and externally. Our body is the property of Allah SWT after all, so it is our duty to look after it, and not abuse it.
Give regular charity or volunteer to help a local cause:
Charity (zakat) forms one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Whilst Zakat is an obligation upon Muslims, sadqahis voluntary. It is this voluntary act that will determine and reveal our true colour in front of Allah SWT on the Day of Judgement. Together, our wealth could remove the calamity that is poverty from this whole earth entirely. Had Allah SWT desired, would He not have given wealth to each and all of His slaves? He didn’t for a reason. There is reason behind everything. This is our test as Muslim brothers and sisters, to help our fellow brothers and sisters, and seek pleasure from giving rather than taking. Allah SWT dislikes greed and loves generosity.
Furthermore, if an act of charity is done in a way that the needy continue to benefit, the giver shall continue to reap the rewards for their charity – even from within the grave. A few examples of this form of charity are Dig a Well and child sponsorship, which could include sponsoring the education of a child, enabling them to pursue a career and build a future for themselves and their communities.
There are many, many forms of charity, like time (volunteering) or donating funds; be it for someone’s today, for someone’s tomorrow or someone’s after. Helping or teaching someone is also an act of charity.
See, good deeds are not limited to Ramadan. Ramadan teaches us to spiritually enable ourselves to further our good deeds. So let’s continue our good deeds and attempt to keep ourselves on the blessed path, towards Allah SWT’s happiness.