Until last year, the academic session of state schools drew to a close by March-end for the summer break and fresh sessions began only by June, this year, for the first time, the academic calendar of state schools will run parallel to that of CBSE schools. The sea changes in academic calendar brought by the Telangana government have proved cumbersome for the children and school administration alike. Unlike previous years, the next academic session this year will commence soon after conclusion of year-end exams in March. Now as the academic year is slated to begin from March 21 and the schools will hold classes till April 23.
Restlessness prevails among the students, teachers and parents due to this decision taken by the state government. With the start of new academic year soon after the annual exams, parents will have to bear extra financial burden as they will have to purchase new books, bags, uniform etc and also pay the first term fee for the next year. Another matter of concern for them is the soaring temperatures.
A majority of the teacher unions are also opposing the new system. Teacher associations have complained that several schools in the state do not have drinking water, running taps, fans hence running classes in April would affect students severely. As the day temperatures are already unbearable at the beginning of March. Students cannot sit in classrooms as rooms are not properly equipped. Moreover, students will not be in a mood to join classes after the examinations. Hence the government should take a decision keeping students in view.
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