AK Khan Advisor to the Government (Minorities Welfare) today said that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will organize Iftar and Dinner to the poor Muslims as part of holy Ramzan festival He inspected the Lal Bahadur Stadium where the state government is hosting Iftar Dinner on June 18 to be attended by KCR, deputy chief minister Mahamood Ali and other cabinet ministers, MPs, MLAs and others.Khan reviewed all the arrangements for the same with various departments including Police, GHMC, Information and public relations, HMWSSB, Protocol Department, TR&B, TRANSCO & GENCO and other Departments. Later, he told media persons that the Chief Minister will lay the foundation stone for the construction of Aneesul-Ghurba building at Nampally, on June 18. (Photo: Zabi)