By Pervez Bari
A book titled “Falsafa-e-Taalimaat’ (Philosophy of Education) in Urdu has hit the stands which deals with the state of affairs in the field of education at the school level in particular and at other stages too through Urdu medium.
The book highlights the problems of education and its solutions, course corrections and revamping strategy of imparting education to the school students opting Urdu medium.
The book has been penned by educationist Dr. Mohammad Nauman Khan of Bhopal. He retired as a Professor in the Department of Education in Languages in NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training), New Delhi. The 534-page book, which has two sections, is of documentary importance for Urdu students and teachers both. It has been published by Educational Publishing House, New Delhi.
The first section of the said book is actually a compilation of articles written by Dr. Nauman from time to time in his four decades of being keenly associated with various aspects of Education with emphasis on Urdu medium of learning. The articles included are on not only India but also the global and national background of education. While the second segment of the book discusses imaginings of eminent educationists of yore such as Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad, Ismail Merthi, Allama Shibli Naumani, Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad, Nawab Sultan Jahan Begum, Gandhiji, Rabindranath Tagore, Allama Iqbal, Dr. Zakir Hussain, Swami Vivekananda, Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi, Mulla Fakhruddin and Prof. Haneef Naqvi.
Urdu language in India
The book under review on educational topics includes articles on ancient and modern philosophy, teachings, modern trends, ideas and goals, teaching skills, strategies, educational issues, methods, ideological imaginings, expertise, procedure, planning, problems, perspectives, and different teaching methods for the benefit of the new generation. The author has discussed at length in the book the position of Urdu language in India (past, present, and future), educational services of Indian Muslims, the role of Urdu teachers in education and teaching, mother tongue teaching and trilingual formula, the importance of regional languages, the teaching of Urdu as mother tongue, secondary teaching Urdu as a language, teaching science subjects in Urdu, problems in the preparation of textbooks, etc. in subjects where they have expressed their views in an objective and analytical manner.
On the other hand, the distance education system, the situation of Urdu language in religious madrasas, constitutive and inclusive education in teaching, gender equality, and psychological factors in education will bring these aspects to the fore.
Dr. Nauman has not only commented and analyzed but has also criticized wherever necessary the subject matter and issues demanded. He did this while arguing threadbare with references. He had continuously kept himself abreast with the affairs and issues of education and the reforms required to rectify it to make it more effective so that it becomes more and more comprehensive and reachable to the lowest strata of society.
It is believed that in a vast country like India, many books in the name of literature come to the fore every day, but these books are unable to meet the need for teaching Urdu. In such a situation, the book written by Dr. Mohammad Nauman is a document not only for Urdu students but also for those who are involved in teaching Urdu which can never be forgotten.
Dr. Nauman not only discusses the prevailing method of education in India in a comprehensive manner, but also of the nations from the earliest times to the present day. In the light of the prevailing philosophies of education in the world, he has tried to take an overview of the way in which the present method of teaching is prevalent in India is not only important but also the need of the hour.
Now, a few words about the author Dr. Mohammad Nauman Khan’s literary journey since he came on the scene after completing his education with a doctorate degree after post-graduation in Urdu. He blossomed in the Urdu literary field after tutelage under the watchful eyes of his mentor eminent Urdu litterateur late Prof. Abdul Qavi Desnavi during his college days as a student in Saifia College in Bhopal. He has to his credit about 50 books that have been published so far while nine are in the pipeline. He also has to his standing about 400 research papers and analytical articles, interviews, reviews, forewords etc. published in Indo-Pakistan literary magazines, newspapers, and books.
Meanwhile, the book was released in a function organized by the Maulana Barkatullah Bhopali Education Society. The president of the society Haji Muhammad Haroon on the occasion said that it is a matter of great pride for us that a son from Bhopal has written a comprehensive book on the Philosophy of Education. Dr. Nauman was also honoured by the society and a Citation was presented to him on the occasion.