Aligarh: In Khair area of Aligarh, body of a 5-year-old boy, son of a labourer who was missing since Tuesday was found on Wednesday morning in a vacant plot near his home. Family of the boy accused a 15-year-old girl of murder.
When girl was arrested she confessed that she had killed the boy in order to take revenge with his father who had raped her two days ago.
Sansar Singh, Aligarh Additional SP (Rural) said that the girl confessed that she had killed the boy because she had been raped by his father. However, he also added that she had not filed any rape case before her arrest.
A case has been registered against both girl and the father of the boy. Girl booked in the charges of murder and father of the boy, in the charges of rape. Girl’s medical examination was also done on Thursday. As girl is juvenile, she had been sent to a juvenile home.