Alleging that Rs.1000 crore land scam has taken place in Kapra in Hyderabad under the eye of TRS government, Congress leader and Kodangal MLA A Revanth Reddy has stated that IT Minister KT Ramarao’s relatives and My Home Company grabbed the evacuee lands located in Kapra.
Speaking to the media at Assembly Media Hall here on Thursday, Revanth Reddy said that the lands belong to those who left the nation, called evacuee lands. One Rahim Bakshi left for Pakistan during the division of the nation leaving 21 acre land here. He reminded that the Supreme Court made it clear in 2011 that the same land comes under the purview of government. He asked the state government to tell as to why the government didn’t take over the lands, while the ‘My Home Real Estate Company’ was doing ventures in the same lands. Then government allotted the same lands to one Eshwari Bhai, who came from Pakistan to here.
He said that the state government has to own the responsibility of the land scam as the beneficiary was My Home owner Jupally Rameshwara Rao. He alleged that KT Ramarao kept the rules aside and given the land to Rameshwara Rao. He wondered as to how Rameshwara Rao does real estate in the same lands though the records were clearly saying that the land belongs to government. Rameshwara Rao threatened one Balakrishna, who has GPA in his name, using police and got sales dead in his name, he said. My Home Company selling the land by preparing lay outs, he alleged and asked KTR to tell whether he was not in a position to see all these developments taking place under his ministry (Municipal Administration).
He asked KTR to stop the sales in Kapra if he was sincere and wanted to know whether the news story published in a newspaper that some people grabbing Evacuee lands was not correct. The government has to take over the lands as a custodian, Revanth said and informed that he was ready to furnish the details of the land to KTR. “I have no inhibitions to furnish the details and at the same time Congress party will not keep quiet if My Home Rameshwara Rao wants to grab the government lands. I am ready to go along with KTR to examine the lands in Kapra”, he said and asked KTR to go for examination of lands if really he has no nexus with relatives. He asked the state government to tell whether it has no responsibility to protect the Evacuee lands and made it clear that the Congress party would approach the Court on Evacuee lands very soon.
Stating that the Governor ESL Narasimhan has remained as a mute spectator to the land scams, Revanth Reddy said that ESL became a brand ambassador to KCR’s corruption. He alleged that Governor has turned as a big maternal uncle to Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao. (NSS)