Reserve bank of India scholarship

The Reserve Bank of India invites application as per prescribed format from full-time faculty members, teaching economics or finance in any UGC-recognized Universities/Colleges in India to undertake short term research in the areas of monetary and financial economics, banking, real sector issues and other areas of interest to the Reserve Bank. Objectives:

(i) To increase awareness about the activities of the Reserve Bank among faculty members and student community, and

(ii) To provide exposure to faculty members teaching economics and / or finance in different areas/activities in the Reserve Bank.

Number of scholarships: A maximum of three.

Selection procedure: The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the (a) research proposal of not more than 1000 words, (b) curriculum vitae and (c) interview by a selection panel.

Duration of Project: Three months, commencing July 1,2014.

Last date for application: April 17, 2014

For more details please visit