Researchers from UoH report novel step-efficient synthesis of Tamoxifen

Hyderabad: Shubham Dutta (lead author), currently working as a PhD Research Scholar under the guidance of Prof. Akhila K. Sahoo in the School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad (UoH) along with Shashank, Manash, Shengwen, and Vincent (collaborator on theoretical study from CNRS UMR 8182, Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay Cedex, France) have recently published a work on “Cationic-palladium catalyzed regio- and stereoselective syn-1,2-dicarbofunctionalization of unsymmetrical internal alkynes” in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

This discovery paves the way for the step-efficient synthesis of various anti-cancer drugs such as Tamoxifen

analogues, which are likely to be more efficient and less damaging to the body. The transformation is highly

regioselective and will lead to all-carbon-substituted olefins, structurally similar to Tamoxifen.