Republican presidential front- runner Donald Trump ’s suggestion on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment. Made a triggering criticism from both sides including from his White House rivals.
Trump’s comments immediately unleashed a torrent of negative reactions, Republicans from across the ideological spectrum quickly condemned Trump’s assertion.
The rival candidate John Kasich, the governor of Ohio opposes abortion except in specific cases such as rape, he said , “Of course women shouldn’t be punished.”
The Republicans worried about the damage Trump could do at the top of the ticket with off-the-cuff or controversial quotes. They say that Trump is not conservative enough on issues such as abortion. They have also criticised him for comments that have offended women and minority groups.
Clinton said .”The Republicans all line up together. Now maybe they aren’t quite as open about it as Donald Trump was earlier today, but they all have the same position,” she said, noting anti-abortion positions taken by both John Kasich and Ted Cruz.
“If you make abortion a crime you make it illegal then you make women and doctors criminals.”