Republic TV shows video game as Pakistan bombing Panjshir

Hyderabad: Footage from the video game Arma-3 was displayed by Republic TV and Zee Hindustan, as the Pakistani air force attacking the anti-Taliban fighters in the Panjshir valley.

A fact-checker and co-founder of Alt News, Mohammed Zubair tweeted that the ‘exclusive video’ that the Republic TV shared is actually from a video game “Arma-3.”

Natsecjeff, deputy director of UK-based ITCT tweeted a video of the game as “exclusive footage” showing Pakistani drone attacking rebel targets in Panjshir, as a prank.

Later he tweeted out that the video is from a video game and is currently being shared by pro-resistance accounts as proof of claims that Pakistani drones are attacking Panjshir. “I thought I should have some fun. Let’s see how many idiots here share this video with a straight face,” he added.