Mumbai: Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami and his wife has been been allegedly attacked by two unknown miscreants tonight. In the intervening night of 22nd and 23rd April, after his regular work of 10 PM debate, Arnab Goswami and his wife were on the way back their Home when two motorcycle bike-borne persons allegedly attacked their car.
According to our sources, the attackers parked their bike in front of Arnab Goswami’s car in order to get him to stop the car and then attacked it. The miscreants threw black ink over the car and tried to escape.
A team of NM Joshi Marg Police Station in Mumbai have reached the spot and investigation is underway. However the police is believed to have picked up two suspects.
Arnab alleged that it was the handy work of congress activists, he also held Sonia Gandhi personally responsible for any attack on him and his family. “I will be personally going to the NM Joshi police station for filing the complaint and there shall be action over my complaint” said Arnab in a statement released in twitter.