Hyderabad: Renowned journalist Mr Aijaz Quraishi passed away this morning after prolonged illness in a corporate hospital in Hyderabad. He was 85. Namaz-e-Janaza (funeral prayer) was performed in Muradnagar, Hyderabad and he was laid to rest in the Jamalikunta graveyard. Quraishi is survived by four sons, including Ahsan Quraishi, a senior journalist and Expert in Electronic Media (USA), Arshad Quraishi, a sports commentator, Hafiz As’ad Quraishi (KSA) and Rashid Quraishi and four daughters. Renowned Civil engineer and consultant Sri Yousuf Saleem is his eldest son-in-law.
A born journalist Aijaz Quraishi started his career in his teens as an editor, printer and publisher of the Urdu daily from Nizamabad district titled ‘Zindagee’ way back in early 50s.
He was the founder editor of the leading Urdu News Agency ‘Bharat News Service, Hyderabad’ in 1954. The News Agency catered to the needs of the leading Urdu dailies published from Hyderabad. The News Agency covered all the important events of the State, right from politics to sports, literature to films, and culture to religion.
It was the first News Agency to cover the proceedings of the AP Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council besides the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation in the days when Urdu dailies did not have their own reporters. Under his guidance the agency became the most reliable agency providing authentic and unbiased news items.
The Bharat News Service has the unique distinction of being an institution of Journalism and the agency produced several renowned journalists who are serving in responsible positions in the newspapers, magazines, journals and TV channels not only in India but also abroad.
A multifaceted personality Aijaz Quraishi was a versatile writer, poet, broadcaster, film and sports critic and an orator.
He was founder member of the Press Guild of Hyderabad, founder president of the Hyderabad Film Study Circle, and the President of Sports Journalists Association for decades together.
He was the Secretary/Director of the AP State Urdu Academy Andhra Pradesh and served for three years and brought in several reforms in the administration.
He edited the world famous Urdu monthly on films and literature entitled ‘Filmy Tasveer’ published from Hyderabad having worldwide circulation. He was the editor of Urdu Morcha a multi colour Urdu weekly published from New Delhi and Associate Editor for the International Urdu Weekly Aitebar published from Hyderabad.
He contributed numerous articles, reviews and reports for several Urdu newspapers, magazines and journals.
He received several awards and honours for his contribution to the journalism, including prestigious Makhdoom Award of T.S. Urdu Academy, Life Time Achievement Award of AP State Urdu Academy, besides Sadbhavana Award, APCC Award on the occasion of 125 years celebrations of Indian national congress, and received Honour by AP Veteran Journalists Association Hyderabad.
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