Remembering Mirza Ghalib on his 150th death anniversary

HYDERABAD: Mirza Ghalib is the poetical surname of Asad Ullah Khan, the most-loved, read and quoted poet of Urdu language across the globe.

At the age of 11, he wrote his first poem and was a master of many languages like Urdu, Persian and Turkish.

Ghalib was one of the important poets in the court of Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar II.  Mirza Ghalib was bestowed with royal titles of “Dabber-ul-Mulk” and “Najm-ud-daulah” by the emperor, who was also his student.

[also_read url=””]Urdu lovers pay rich tributes to Mirza Ghalib[/also_read]

As most of his ‘Shayari’ are about failed love and its agony, Ghalib’s fan often quote them in their daily life to connect with.

On the 150th death anniversary of such a great poet, here’s a compilation of some of his most famous couplets.

Hazāroñ ḳhvāhisheñ aisī ki har ḳhvāhish pe dam nikle

bahut nikle mire armān lekin phir bhī kam nikle

Aage aati thi haal-e-dil pe hansi

ab kisi baat par nahi aati

Aata hai daagh-e-hasrat-e-dil ka shumaar yaad

mujh se mire gunah ka hisaab ai khuda na maang

Na thā kuchh to ḳhudā thā kuchh na hotā to ḳhudā hotā

Duboyā mujh ko hone ne na hotā maiñ to kyā hotā

Rañj se ḳhūgar huā insāñ to miT jaatā hai rañj

mushkileñ mujh par paḌīñ itnī ki āsāñ ho ga.iiñ

ragoñ meñ dauḌte phirne ke ham nahīñ

jab aañkh hī se na Tapkā to phir lahū kyā hai