Remembering Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAWS) is obligatory: Dr. Tahir-ul-Quadri

(Siasat News) Allah (SWT) has made it obligatory for its creatures to obey his beloved Prophet Hazarath Mohammed (SAWS). It is absolutely obligatory for every Muslim to mention the name of Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) whenever the name of Allah (SWT) is taken. This is the spirit of faith (Iman) the mention of Allah (SWT) and the Prophets (SAWS) cannot be separated. Dr. Tahi-ul-Qadri was addressing a gathering at Quli Qutub Shah Stadium yesterday. The meeting was organized by Minhajul Quran International Organization. He taught some selected traditions (Ahadith) to the Muslim scholars and offered their interpretations in the Unique way.

Referring to the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, he advised the Muslims to make it a daily routine to follow the sayings and doing of Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) quoting the Quran, he said that Allah (SWT) says that “Obey Thy Lord and His Prophet and those from among you who are competent and in the case of any conflict approach them”.

At another place, Allah (SWT) says “Take whatever Prophet (SAWS) gives and refrain from whatever Prophet (SAWS) prohibits”.

He further told that there are 150 verses in the Quran wherein the Sunnath of Prophets (SAWS) has been evidenced. The mark of identification of hypocrites is that they accept, whatever Allah (SWT) says but refuse to obey the Prophet (SAWS). Dr. Tahir-ul-Quadri explained the traditions and their interpretations quoting from famous various Islamic scholars.

The association of Muslim Ummah from its Prophet (SAWS) is multifarious. The first aspect is our faith on our Prophet (SAWS). To have faith on the Prophet (SAWS) is the basis of being a Muslim. After having faith on Prophet (SAWS) only we will be blessed with other beliefs. The second association of Muslim Ummah is Love of Prophet (SAWS) not only with him but every thing. He liked. The third association is his obedience. It is obligatory on every Muslim to obey Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). Fourth association is of following the Prophet (SAWS) in everything in our life, we have to follow Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). Fifth association is to respect the personality of Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) it is obligatory on us to respect him, his kith and kin and everything he liked.

The association of Muslims Ummah with its Prophet (SAWS) demands that we should always recite Durud and Salam on him. Whenever we mention Allah’s (SWT) name, we should invariably include the name of our Prophet (SAWS) Allah (SWT) has included ‘Salam’ in the Salath (Namaz) also.

We should be prepared to sacrifice everything for Prophet Mohammed (SAWS).

–Siasat News–