Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident occurred at Chandrayangutta, a car driver was butchered and the body parts were dumped in a nala after packing it in a cloth. The remains of the man were recovered on Saturday evening a month later, after the police carried out a massive combing of the nala.
As reported by Telangana Today, Syed Sajiduddin, a car driver from Nimrah colony in Chandrayangutta was missing since June 7. The family members lodged a complaint and a case of man missing was registered on June 20.
Acting upon a clue, police with the help of GHMC, conducted a massive operation lasting for three days. After an extensive search of the nala near Kandikal Gate, police found the remains of human body wrapped in a thick cloth. This was informed by ACP Falaknuma, M A Rasheed.
Police shifted the remains to Osmania General Hospital mortuary where the doctors conducted an examination and sent the parts of the body to Forensic Science Laboratory where doctors will conduct a DNA test to confirm the identity of the body.
According to the ACP , police have identified Jahangir alias Gudamba Jahangir and Karim Lala, a coconut vendor, as suspects, who reportedly had a brawl with Sajiduddin in an inebriated state on June 7 night. They are suspected to have killed Sajiduddin with knives and cut his body into pieces before being disposed in the nala.
Two special teams have been formed to nab both the suspects who are absconding.