Ramadan is experienced differently by everyone. We all lead different lifestyles, live in different communities and even fast at different hours around the world. Ramadan brings us all together through worship and fasting and allows us to reflect on shared experiences during this holy month. In this post we reflect on the different lessons and experiences that shape Ramadan for us and characterise it as the enriching and beautiful experience it is.
One lesson Ramadan teaches us particularly well every year is of course, patience. From fasting long hours to reading and understanding the whole Quran – especially if Arabic is not your first language. Everything we do in Ramadan is driven by patience and not in a short-term sense either. Patience that the hunger, thirst and long nights staying up in worship will be rewarded accordingly is what drives many of us during this month.
Another lesson that is most valuable is practicing self-discipline. To be able to overcome our desires for something far greater than ourselves and out of personal choice is the epitome of self-discipline and its beautifully displayed during Ramadan amongst millions of Muslims. This month allows us to practice this self-discipline beyond Ramadan too through the healthy habits we pick up.
For many of us and the lifestyles we lead, praying on time at work can prove to be increasingly difficult – especially when meetings are scheduled right around prayer times. This leads us on to the final lesson we think Ramadan teaches us the most and that’s pride. Pride in the faith we practice, pride in yourself and in your body for being able to carry out long 18 hour fasts day in day out during this month. Pride in letting others also know of what Ramadan means to you and what fasting and prayer means to you.
Those are just some of the skills we’ve learnt during Ramadan – but there are many more! What are some of the lessons you’ve learnt?