Reeva wrote ‘roses are red, violets are blue…I love you’ in V Day card for ‘Ozzy’ Pistorius

The slain girlfriend of Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius had reportedly inscribed the words ‘I love you’ inside a gaudy Valentine’s Day card, which was ready out by a tearful Pistorius on Tuesday at the North Gauteng High Court.

But within hours of telling the Olympic runner he was not to open the card or an accompanying gift until the following day, the man Steenkamp had just professed to love shot her dead last year at his upscale Pretoria home.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, in re-examination the Pistorius’ counsel Barry Roux tendered as an exhibit the Valentine’s Day card Steenkamp had left for her boyfriend the night before he shot and killed her, and asked the Blade Runner to read the words on the envelope.

In a trembling voice, Pistorius read out that the envelope had ‘Ozzy’ written on the front, while the card had ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ on the front and inside Steenkamp had written ‘I think today is a good day to tell you that I love you’.

Pistorius further said that Steenkamp had signed her name and put some kisses, adding that the evidence was the first time the South African model and law graduate had told Pistorius she loved him.

The court has previously heard that Steenkamp had left the card with a present on the table in Pistorius’ home, telling him the night before that he was not to open either until the following day, while Pistorius said that he did not open them until August that year. (ANI)