Hyderabad: After the announcement made by CM of Telangana State, Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Govt. accelerated the process of recruitments in various departments. It was decided to consult Law Department to avoid legal complications. CM instructed the officials to prepare a list of vacant posts in various departments and also to issue guidelines indicating qualifications and roaster system. It was agreed to hold another meeting of the officials before 21st August.
Dy. CM of Telangana State, Mr. K. Sri Hari held a meeting in Secretariat which was attended by Mr. S.P. Singh, Chief Secretary, Mr. B. Chakrapani, Chairman, TSPSC, Rajiv Acharya, Special Secretary, Mr. Rama Krishana, Finance Secretary and others.
Mr. Sri Hari informed the officials that on the occasion of Independence Day, Mr. KCR announced that more than 80000 posts would be filled up. It is the responsibility of all the departments to fulfill this promise. He directed the officials to contact law department to avoid legal complications.
–Siasat News