Telangana Hajj Committee has set a record of sending largest number of pilgrims in the country in a short span of one week during current Hajj season. Central Hajj Committee had issued departure schedule of 14 to 16 days for other states while for Telangana Hajj Committee only 7 days’ schedule was issued during which departure of aspirants belonging to 3 states had to be ensured form Hyderabad. Despite bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana Hajj Committee was responsible for sending pilgrims belonging to Andhra Pradesh and 4 districts of Karnataka apart from its own.
On the successful completion of Hajj camp Special Officer Hajj Committee Prof. S A Shukoor bowed down before Allah in gratitude and told that it was because of Almighty Allah’s help Hajj Committee could face the challenge.
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