New Delhi: Taking on Xiaomi once again, Realme CEO Madhav Sheth has tweeted that despite Xiaomi claiming its next device (probably Redmi K30 Pro) would be the first phone in the world with India’s satellite navigation system (NavIC), Realme X50 Pro with 5G capabilities already supports India’s version of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Sheth revealed that not only the first but the second phone in the world with NavIC support would also come from the house of Realme, set to be unveiled on March 5.
“Yes, our ultimate flagship, #realmeX50Pro features #NavIC and even our upcoming phone will feature it as well. So World’s first, the World’s second, coming in a row, all for India. Plan to talk more on 5th March,” Sheth tweeted on Thursday.
Manu Kuamar Jain, Manu Jain, Global Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing Director, Xiaomi India, tweeted on February 25: “Glorious new chapter for tech in #India! Flag of India. Proud to announce that upcoming #Redmi phone will be 1st in the world to feature @isro’s #NavIC – Nation’s own satellite navigation system! Satellite”.
Jain also posted a photo with Sivan.
The two top executives are engaged in a Twitter war for quite some time now.
In May last year, both took to Twitter, starting with Jain’s Twitter outburst against Realme where he hit out at Realme 3 Pro that features Qualcomm Snapdragon 710, saying this is older than Snapdragon 675 used in Xiaomi’s latest device Redmi Note 7 Pro.
Taking on Xiaomi after being called a ‘copy-cat brand’ in the Indian smartphone market, Sheth took to Twitter last month, saying “a real innovative brand and market leader won’t behave like that”.
In January, ISRO chief Dr K Sivan announced a collaboration with Qualcomm to provide better navigation systems using the NavIC satellite system in India.
At the Qualcomm event, Jain and Sheth confirmed they will “work closely” with the chipmaker to introduce phones with the new chips, starting with the Snapdragon 720G.
Sheth said the company would be among the first smartphone brands in the country with this next-gen chip.
“We have worked closely with Qualcomm Technologies to ensure that the Snapdragon 720G Mobile Platform enables our customers to unlock this potential and experience high-performance seamlessly at faster speeds,” said Sheth.
“I am happy to share that we will be one of the first brands globally to launch a smartphone based on the new Snapdragon 720G,” added Jain.