New Delhi: Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu today said that the Centre is ready to hold a debate in the parliament session on the controversial turned Jat, JNU and HCU issues that rocked the nation.
Addressing an all-party meeting called by the BJP Government to garner support for GST and other key bills in Delhi he said that the Centre is just ready and not going back on taking up a debate on JNU and HCU controversies in the parliament Budget session commencing Feb last week. The opposition parties should cooperate and help pass the important bills as the government is ready to discuss all other issues Venkaiah stated. We are not averse to talk on these issues and take a call after a debate Venkiah Naidu, who also holds Parliamentary Affairs, asserted. The NDA Government is trying to persuade the opposition on passing the key bills such as GST and others in the parliament session by taking cooperation from the Opposition. We are also keen to resolve the Jat imbroglio, which has telling impact on Haryana and Delhi, he said. Earlier he opened an office to deal with smart cities scheme. Stating that the new office will monitor Smart Cities scheme Venkaih appealed to the cities selected as smart cities and the civic bodies to make use of funds to develop their cities very smarter. (NSS)