Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today announced that RBVRR Tower of Education would come up in the city to provide ISB level courses and campus recruitment to honour the towering personality of Raja Bahadur Venkat Ram Reddy, who strove for education to all. He also announced Rs 10 crore more, if necessary, in addition Rs 10 crore already sanctioned and 1500 sq yards of IPM vacant land at Narayanguda to RBVRR College.
The Chief Minister said Shantha Biotech’s Varasprasad Reddy has offered Rs 10 to Rs 20 crore for the purpose while laying a big complex to be constructed at Budwel near Rajendera Nagar. “Injustice meted out to us in the combined State and Venkatram Reddy, Konda Venkat Ranga Reddy built a school at Nampally in 700 sq yards and others contributed their best for education, culture in Telangana region. It is our duty to honour such towering personalities by naming some institutions”, KCR said. He also said Telangana Police Academy was rechristened as Raja Bahadur Venkat Ram Reddy Police Academy. The previous rulers deliberately ignored to name Telangana stalwarts, who strove for education, welfare and development, he alleged.
“The government has offered a pittance of Rs 10 crore and 10 acre land to such great idea of RBVRR. Some noted personalities appreciated me and offered to give Rs 10 crore for the same”, he said. He also offered to give five acres at Budwel and related order will be issued on August 23 and give 1500 sq yards of IPM land for providing hostel to the Reddy hostel.
“Konda Venkat Ranga Reddy was also inspired with Venkatram Reddy and started schools to cater to educational needs of the students. Bhagya Reddy Verma also fought with the Nizam to ensure that schools are opened up for the SC classes. Dharma Reddy colony was among other colonies at KPHB colony at Kukatpally, he said and asked the officials to stick to the name.
Stating that Venkatram Reddy was rich and launched educational institutions and hostels for the cause of the people of Telangana, KCR said, “We need to protect the schools in the name of such stalwarts, conviction of the previous leaders like Suravarm Pratap Reddy and others towards social development with literacy”.
KCR said Shantha Biotech’s Varaprasad Reddy, GVK Groups are offering their best for the society. Varaprasad Reddy resigned to his post in protest against corruption and launched the biotech in the name of his mother and offered vaccination at low price to South African nations and also offered vaccines at paltry prices of Rs 70 against actual price of Rs 800, he said. He said to offer all help and funding for building a new educational tower in Hyderabad to offer the world class education institute with highly specialized courses in the name of Venkatram Reddy and ensure that campus recruitments are taken up in a big way. This facility should provide world class education to all communities with Venkatram Reddy’s inspiration, KCR announced. (NSS)