TRS rejected the proposal of formation of Rayal Telangana State combining Rayalaseema district of A.P with Telangana. TRS told that a separate Telangana State be formed consisting of 10 districts of Telangana only.
It rejected the proposal of the Govt of India to include Anantapur and Kurnool to form Rayal Telangana. It said that the districts which were included with Telangana while forming A.P. State should be bifurcated from Telangana.
Mr.T.Harish Rao, MLA told that Congress is engaged in negotiations with other political leaders of the state. This time, the people of Telangana won’t tolerate any deceit. He demanded the Central Govt. to resolve this issue soon. He criticized the decision of Govt. to supply water from Nagarjunasagar depriving the people of Telangana.
-Siasat news