Peace and Harmony are one of the basic principles of any nation to thrive and our Indian Constitution was solely framed on basic principles giving its citizens a freedom to enjoy their lives irrespective of their religion or creed.
Even though when foreigners invaded our country, Indians have always stood as one, combating against its enemies but as the time evolved, peace and harmony among different communities in the nation is now on the verge of ending.
The Constitution of our country includes laws to ensure political and social equality among all its citizens in order to avoid clashes or any atrocity against any particular religion, only to maintain the basic principles of our constitution.
Though India and Pakistan were divided, the Constitution was framed for Indians as ‘one nation’ which ensures the prosperity of all its citizens then why did we give way to hatred to sweep into our minds and hearts?
Who is behind this mass destruction of humanity where a Muslim or a low caste community member is brutally killed only because he practices some other religion and not Hinduism? Though India is a developing country, the peace and harmony among different communities started shrinking and that is exactly what the Politicians mean to do to us.
‘Divide and Rule’ strategy is being used to divide a common man who is unbiased towards any religion but the hatred seed sowed in the minds and hearts by radical outfits is only harming us more than doing any good towards us.
Enlightening the Indian citizen, Senior Journalist Ravish Kumar who is well known to bring out the Truth behind the walls has a peaceful message for his fellow Indians.
Provoking Muslims or any other religion by disrespecting their core values, violence, riots that are being reported now from across the nation, looking at the current scenario of the nation, is this exactly how our country was envisioned after Independence?
Though the people of our country live peacefully in harmony with each other, this peace is often disturbed by many factors like political, social, economic and religious to be named a few.
Delivering a very crucial message, Ravish Kumar’s advice is not to let the politicians or any radical outfit play with other religious sentiments, provoke us or land us, our kids in jails, while they enjoy watching us shed our blood.
By giving in to the hatred sowed in our hearts by Political leaders or radical outfits are bringing destruction to us, we will never prosper nor our kids will live to see a prosperous life ahead of them, manipulating us to become murderers, protestors, rioters.
Politicians keep changing once their term is over, but do we keep changing our, localities, houses after killing humanity, torching our religious places, houses, brutally murdering innocent lives?
Instead of giving in to hatred, choose peace as your path, supporting each other would only give you a chance to prosper and live a peaceful happy life.