IT Minister K T Ramarao, accompanied by IT Secretary Jayesh Ranjan, today met Ratan Tata in Mumbai and explained about digital initiatives being undertaken in Telangana State. He was told about the largest technology incubator being set up in Hyderabad called “T Hub”.
After a patient hearing, Ratan Tata gave some suggestions on how this incubator can leverage the presence of pharmaceutical industry, Defence and aerospace industry to innovate new products for them. Tata also praised the vision of the government for creating an extensive digital infrastructure and steps taken for digital empowerment. He also showered praise on the State’s new industrial policy calling it “one of the best” he has ever heard anywhere. Tata has been invited to inaugurate the T Hub building next month.
“Had a great interactive session with Ratan Tata on Telangana’s vision in IT ands sought blessings for T-Hub” KTR said after the meeting. Later, KTR also called on Anand Mahindra, Chairman and MD of Mahindra Group. The possibility of investments by various Mahindra group companies in Telangana was discussed. When KTR invited Anand Mahindra to visit Telangana, the latter readily accepted and said he would discuss further on potential investments. (NSS)