Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is “Apara Bhagiratha” for implementing the flagship program of Mission Bhagiratha, TRS member and Sanskrithika Sarathi Chairman Rasamayi Balakishan said in the Assembly.
During a short discussion on the drinking water program, Balkishan took serious exception to the Opposition for criticizing the State government on the historic water scheme. He lashed out at the Congress for not bothering about the drinking water woes of the people and getting envious at the government for doing a good work.
The Opposition Congress attained notoriety for swindling money and was attributing similar allegations on the government, he charged. Mission Bhageeratha was aimed at addressing the decades’ old problem of drinking waters in rural pockets. He also equated Chief Minister KCR with epochal Bhagiratha for his efforts to provide purified waters to every household in the rural pockets. “While the Congress seeing money and corruption in the Mission Bhageeratha, we, the TRS government is seeing water to be supplied to the villages”, he added.
Balakishan in his sarcastic style fumed at the Congress for not supporting the water scheme, which will address the chronic problem. Getting nostalgic, Rasamayi Balakishan also said that how his mother used to fetch water by walking for two kilometer from a well. Such pathetic conditions will not remain any longer as soon as the water scheme was launched on full-fledged basis, he stated. “So I bow to Apara Bhagiratha KCR for providing water to villages”. (NSS)