The 29-year-old woman, who has accused Additional Secretary (Home) Janardan Prasad Joshi for raping and intimidating her on the pretext of giving a job, gave her statement to the state police.
“The woman gave her statement to the team formed to the probe the case last night in Delhi,” IG (law and order) Ram Singh Meena said here today.
The statement was recorded under Section 161 of the CrPC, Meena said.
After taking the statement of the woman, the team headed by Additional SP (headquarters) Mamata Bora will now go to the visit the spot in Nainital where the alleged rape took place and collect details, he said.
The Uttarakhand Police registered the case against Joshi on November 25 on the basis of the documents procured from Delhi police which had registered a Zero FIR against the official on November 22.
In the FIR, the woman has alleged that on the pretext of giving her a job in the tourism department, Joshi had called her to a room in the Police Lines Officers’ Club and raped her. He then threatened her to keep quite about it.
In the FIR, she has also named Youth Congress leader Ritu Kandiyaal and Police Superintendent of Dehradun (Rural) Jagdish Bhandari. She has alleged that Kandiyaal had introduced her to Joshi while Bhandari had pressurised her to keep quite after the alleged crime.
Meanwhile, Joshi also filed an FIR against the woman and two others on November 22, alleging that they blackmailed and threatened him.
In the FIR, Joshi has claimed that on November 16, the woman and two men named MP Singh and Sanjay sought some confidential government documents from him and threatened to blackmail him if he did not give them the papers.