Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has reportedly asked the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) if he can be present during his wife’s (Deepika Padukone) questioning in the Bollywood Drugs case on Saturday. The couple who tied knot in 2018, arrived in Mumbai on Thursday evening from Goa where they were shooting for a movie.
Ranveer Singh’s application to NCB
According to sources, Ranveer Singh written application to NCB and has reportedly stated that Deepika Padukone sometimes suffers from anxiety and gets panick attacks so he should be granted permission to be with her.
Reportedly, Ranveer Singh also mentioned that he is a law abiding citizen and knows he can’t be present at the time of Deepika Padukone’s questioning. He requested the agency to allow him inside the NCB office.
However, no decision has been taken by the central drugs agency on Ranveer Singh’s application.
Deepika Padukone to appear before NCB
Deepika Padukone is set to appear before the NCB on September 26, along with Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor. Actor Rakul Preet Singh and Deepika Padukone’s manager Karishma Prakash are summoned on Friday.
Bollywood drug case
Currently, there are two angles of Bollywood’s drug case which are being investigated by NCB. One is regarding the Sushant Singh Rajput-Rhea Chakraborty and associated angle and other regarding Manjinder Singh Sirsa’s complaint about a 2019 Bollywood party video that had emerged earlier in which a lot of Bollywood stars were present. The video which is surfacing online is in question and had been shared by Karan Johar and had taken place at his house.
The Narcotics Control Bureau started its probe based on chats retrieved from the phone of arrested actor Rhea Chakraborty, who dated Sushant Singh Rajput in his final months.
Rhea Chakraborty has been in jail since September 9 on charges of arranging drugs for Sushant Singh Rajput. Her brother Showik Chakraborty and two employees of Sushant Singh Rajput are also among 15 arrested on the basis of 59 grams of drugs found during raids in Mumbai.