Mumbai:Actor Ranveer Singh, who is known for his quirky style and high energy, says he never leads his life in the “fear of being judged”. The Befikre star says his attitude towards life is not to hold himself back and do whatever makes him happy. “I don’t ever hold back. I don’t believe in having these filters. I don’t believe in living in the fear of judgements and consequence. I just live my life on a daily basis and do what makes me happy,” he told reporters here.
The actor said he is aware that people label him with various adjectives, but believes one should be true to themselves irrespective of that people say. “Now and then I read stuff that people write about me, they use these adjectives, ‘disruptive’, ‘edgy’, ‘irreverent’ and all these stuff. Don’t hold back means, follow your heart, your instincts, do what you’re passionate about. Don’t live in this atmosphere or under this cloud of fear. Do what you want, be what you want,” he added.
The 31-year-old actor has written and recorded a rap song for a clothing brand and said shooting for the music video was a rewarding experience. In fact, the actor has shared couple of stills and video from the campaign on his official Instagram account and Twitter. Look at his posts here: