Kabir Khan’s ambitious film 83 starring Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev, is based on India’s victory at the World Cup in the year 1983 and has been creating quite a buzz since its announcement. The latest update on the film is that Ranveer will begin his prep sessions with former captain, Kapil Dev in the month of November. His training will be month-long, where the actor will polish not just his cricket skills but also minutely read into Kapil’s Dev’s body language.
Ranveer Singh, along with picking up the cricket legend’s signature outswinger, also has the humongous task of picking up the cricketer’s special mannerisms. ‘Ranveer will start prepping from November. Kabir and he are in touch with Kapil, who will fly down to Mumbai for a week in November to help Ranveer prep for the role.” board as consultants.
In 83, Ranveer will enact the role of Kapil Dev under whose outstanding captaincy India made history in England. “Members of the 1983 World Cup squad will be helping us, they will be there as consultants and coaches for the team. It will begin next year,” Kabir said in an interview.
Kabir also believes the Bajirao Mastani actor is the ideal choice to portray Dev’s bravery. “Ranveer is an actor, he will play according to the demand and requirement of the character. I have always admired Ranveer as an actor,” Kabir said, in the same interview.
The first schedule of the film will reportedly be in London and the preparation is already underway. The first schedule will be widely shot in London as the city is an important plot in the film. The makers are planning to shoot the entire World Cup sequence in the first schedule.
The director insisted that they will not go for any prosthetics to make Ranveer look like Kapil Dev as it is not a biopic on the former Indian captain but actually a chronicle of the historical journey of the 1983 World Cup win.
While speaking about casting other actors, Kabir claimed in the same interview, “In case of the 1983 World Cup, I think the players are the real stars. We are looking for good actors. We are in the casting process.”