‘Eik mantra bhi kabhi graduate thi’ is a new film being screened in the country said Congress national spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala. He says the question is not how much qualified you are. Even the uneducated person can also hold any post in the country. But the thing is you misled the people by telling lies and showing yourself as an educated person.
Surjewala further says, a minister who was once a graduate was none other than Smriti Irani. In the memorandum submitted to the Election Commission, we have stated that Smriti Irani had declared that she had a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree when she filed nomination as a candidate in 2004 elections from Chandni Chowk in Delhi. But when she filed an affidavit in the 2014 elections from Amethi, the Union minister had mentioned, “Bachelor of Commerce Part-1, School of Open Learning (Correspondence), University of Delhi-1994” after clearing Class XII in 1993. Now in the latest affidavit, it is specifically mentioned ‘three-year degree course not completed’.
The minister who was once a graduate sometimes tells she has passed BA, at other times she says she has done graduation from school of open learning. Prime Minister must declare the qualification of his favourite minister, said Surjewala.