Ranbir Kapoor, the handsome hunk of Bollywood who is riding high on success post the release of his latest film Sanju, has now been sued for Rs 50 lakhs in a court of law. His plush apartment that he had leased in October 2016 is causing the trouble for him now. He has been sued for not honoring the terms of the rental agreement.
A Women who goes by the name Sheetal Suryavanshi, has filed the case against him, she has claimed that Ranbir Kapoor was liable to pay Rs 50 lakh plus interest of Rs 1.08 lakh as she suffered because to him. Reports suggest that Ranbir Kapoor has been accused of asking the lady to vacate his Pune apartment before the expiry of the lease agreement and thus causing mental harassment to the concerned person.
However, the media house contacted Ranbir Kapoor for this issue, he denied all the allegations which has been put by Suryawanshi. The actor said that he never asked her to vacate the flat because he was moving in.
As an evidence, he also produced an agreement copy which states that the lock-in period is 12 months and not 24 months. Further on he also said that Suryavanshi vacated the flat on her own will and even she was a default of 3 months rent, which has been deducted from the deposit. Said the actor.
The case is on in the Pune civil court.