In a rare coincidence, actor Ranbir Kapoor’s upcoming film “Tamasha” will hit the screens on the same day later this month as the digitally-enhanced version of his late great grandfather Prithviraj Kapoor’s 1969 film “Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai” is slated for re-release.
Imtiaz Ali directed “Tamasha” starring Ranbir will release on November 27, the same day as Prithviraj Kapoor’s superhit Punjabi film is up for re-release.
“Our chairman Raju Chadha was keen on re-releasing the film. We have digitally enhanced the film. It is a great film in terms of its story… It is important for the audience to watch this film. It is an iconic film,” Rahul Mittra, CEO Wave Cinemas, who are re-releasing the film, told PTI.
“Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai” a 1969 National Award winning Punjabi film directed by Ram Maheshwary starring Prithviraj Kapoor, I S Johar and others.
The film will be presented by Wave Cinemas’ Ponty Chadha & Shemaroo Entertainment in association with Raju Chadha.
The makers are keen on releasing the film not only in India but abroad as well. “We are looking for an international release for this film. We would like to release it in Canada, North America and other places. We have our promotion strategies in place,” Mittra said.
Mitra reveals the patriotic drama film will be shown to the Kapoor family.
“We would show the Kapoor family to see the film. We will approach Rishi sir or Ranbir Kapoor in a day or so to come and watch the film with the entire Kapoor family,” he added.
The trailer launch of “Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai'” was held at Gurudwara Rakabganj Sahib earlier this month.