Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on Wednesday condemned the killing of four police officers by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur area saying that the main aim of the Naxalites is to spread terror.
“The way the Naxalites are committing these crimes, they do not care about humanity or the people. Their main aim is to spread terror. When we arrest any of them, we provide them with police protection, but the way those unarmed officers were abducted from a bus reflects their true face in front of the people,” said Singh.
“They have realised that the people of the state are not with them and hence they are trying to spread terror in the state,” he added.
Meanwhile, Chhattisgarh Home Minister Ram Sevak Paikra dubbed the incident as ‘unfortunate’.
“This is an unfortunate incident. The government will look into the matter,” he said.
Four police officers, who had been abducted by Maoists, were found dead in the state’s Gumda village in Bijapur district. (ANI)