New Delhi: A female Dera follower has claimed Honeypreet as Ram Rahim’s mistress. A video had circulated, where Honeypreet could be seen flicking away the hand of Harjeet Kaur, Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s wife.
In the video which went viral on social media, she says that Gurmeet Ram Rahim betrayed them and used them as sweepers, reports India Today.
“Big positions are given to women like Honeypreet who is Baba’s mistress. She wears colourful dresses and keeps different hairstyles. This is her life. Why did he not ask Honeypreet to clean Dera, who used to accompany her everywhere,” asks the follower who says she covered her face as police lathi had hit her face.
For the first time, a follower has referred Honeypreet as Ram Rahim’s mistress. While Honeypreet would call Gurmeet as her Papa and herself as Papa’s angel.
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In a video aired on India Today, Honeypreet was seen jerking away the hand of Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s legally wedded wife Harjeet Kaur when the former puts her hand on her mother-in-law’s hand who along with others is seen lighting up a lamp.
There arise several questions, why would even an adopted daughter behave like this. Was Honeypreet jealous of Gurmeet’s wife? Was she the second woman in Gurmeet’s life. This video also speaks about the doubtful roles Ram Rahim and Honeypreet were playing in their lives, one in public domain and another secretly.
The female follower in the video also challenges Ram Rahim to use supernatural powers to escape from prison. She also accuses him of betraying them in the name of spiritual powers which he had portrayed in his films as ‘Messenger of God’.
“He kept us a sweeper. If he possesses such powers why not he is able to vanish from jail,” says the unnamed female follower who along with her husband and father-in-law faced police action in Panchkula when riots broke out on August 25.