While the Congress president Rahul Gandhi these days is making scathing attacks on BJP, he is also striving to improve his image among the Hindu community. He proudly says he is a Shiv Bhakt. Sometimes he announces that he is Brahmin, sometimes he undertakes the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, sometimes he is given reception by Kanwariyas of Amethi, sometimes he is seen doing puja in various temples of Chitrakoot. Though religion is a private matter and everyone has the right to follow the religion of his choice, but when publicity of the religious following is done then the question raises in the minds of people whether Congress is also becoming part of BJP’s plan to fool the public in the name of religion?
While Rajiv Gandhi is continuously trying to prove himself a devoted Hindu, those who believe on secularism are worried over his changed behaviour. They think that politicians should limit their religious beliefs to their person and house only.
With Rahul’s efforts to proudly publicize his inclination towards religion, secular elements of the society feel that he has come under the pressure of BJP. To counter Ram Bhakti of BJP he has adopted Shiv bhakti way. The way adopted by Rahul Gandhi is a threat to the secularism of the country. The secular elements are looking at him as the key leader of the grand alliance, in this situation adopting Modi and Amit Shah’s path will only distort his image instead of improving it.