New Delhi: Deputy Director (Security) in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat Urujul Hasan has been demoted for his social media posts allegedly against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP Cabinet Ministers and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adtiyanath.
A memo has been issued to Urujul Hasan by the Secretariat dated February 12 on the directive of Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu, charging him with “sharing several offensive, derogatory, demeaning and sarcastic posts on social media against the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and some Union Ministers and Chief Ministers as also sharing a number of posts indicating his active involvement/assistance/indulgence in political activities canvassing in connection with an election to the legislature”.
According to The Hindu, the order was issued following a year-long enquiry after an anonymous complaint flagged Mr. Hasan’s Facebook posts made from April to May 2018. Many of these posts, sources said, were merely repost of others’ statements.
The report further stated that Mr. Hasan has been demoted for five years and even at the end of this period he will not be allowed to resume his post of Deputy Director.
According to the order, Mr. Hasan has “failed to maintain political neutrality” as per the Central Civil Services Conduct Rules of 1964 which debar a government servant from joining any political party, using his influence in connection with or take part in an election to any legislature or local authority. The government servant is not allowed to even indicate the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted.
Various sections of these rules have been invoked against Mr. Hasan.