New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha was on Monday adjourned till 12 noon after a few opposition members disrupted the House as their notices were not being accepted by the Chair.
Around a dozen opposition members from the Congress, Telugu Desam Party and others had given notices under suspension of business rules but Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu rejected the notices and asked the members to raise their issues during Zero Hour.
However, the members were not satisfied with the disposal of their notice in such manner and stood up in protest. A few also walked up to the Chairs podium.
Naidu then adjourned the House till 12 noon.
Earlier, during the Zero Hour, senior Congress party member Anand Sharma accused the Narendra Modi government of “misusing” central agencies for “political vendetta” and frightening the opponents.
He said parallel FIRs were being lodged by multiple agencies to harass some people, including former bureaucrats.