New Delhi: Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Rajiv Pratap Rudy, on Tuesday said Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will give his reply to all issues raised, including the subject of ‘intolerance’ in Parliament on Tuesday afternoon.
“The subject related to tolerance has been debated well in the house yesterday and I am sure today, the honourable home minister will give his reply to all the issues raised. But, at the end of the day, debate is the essence of parliament. The home minister will give a reply to the leaders in the afternoon today to the various issues which has been discussed,” Rudy told ANI here.
A fierce verbal engagement took place in Parliament yesterday during a debate on ‘rising intolerance’, over a controversial comment attributed to Home Minister Rajnath Singh by Left lawmaker Mohammad Salim. The uproar forced frequent adjournments of the Lok Sabha .
The Outlook magazine later apologised and regretted the lack of diligence in verifying the source of the statement and said it was not their intention to denigrate the home minister or Parliament.
Incidents like the killing of rationalists, mob attacks over cow slaughter and beef-eating rumours were some of the issues of growing intolerance which was raised by the Opposition on Monday.(ANI)