Holding the Samajwadi Party government responsible for the alleged dismal condition of farmers in Uttar Pradesh, the state unit of BJP will organise a ‘Swabhimaan’ rally in Bareilly district on Wednesday to be addressed by party president Rajnath Singh.
“The rally will be addressed by senior party leaders, including national president Rajnath Singh, general secretary Varun Gandhi and state president Laxmi Kant Bajpai,” BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak told reporters in Lucknow on Tuesday. He alleged that around Rs 6,000 crores of the cane farmers was pending.
“While the government is making tall claims about its loan waiver scheme, debt-laden farmers are forced to commit suicide,” Pathak alleged.
Vijay Bahadur Pathak alleged that Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has ‘cheated’ farmers and problems were rampant at wheat procurement centres.
He alleged that Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has “cheated” farmers and problems were rampant at wheat procurement centres.
The spokesman said that contrary to the government claims wheat centres have not started at many places. “The situation is such that against the target only three per cent wheat has been purchased,” Pathak said.
The state was reeling under acute power and water crisis, he said adding, the rally would expose price rise of the UPA government and failures of Akhilesh regime.