Mumbai: “Made in China”, starring Rajkummar Rao and Mouni Roy, will hit the screens a day before the “Stree” actor celebrates his birthday on August 31, 2019. It will now release on August 30, 2019, instead of August 15.
The reason is still not known but interestingly, this year’s hit film “Stree”, starring Rajkummar, also released around the same time (August 31, 2018), a statement on Wednesday said.
“Made in China” will be directed by Mikhil Musale and produced by Dinesh Vijan under the banner of Maddock Films.
The film will feature Rajkummar as a struggling Gujarati businessman. Mouni will play his feisty wife.
It will mark the Bollywood debut of Gujarati director Mikhil Musale, whose 2016 thriller-drama “Wrong Side Raju” bagged the National Award for Best Feature Film in Gujarati.