New Delhi: In a video posted on YouTube, comedian, Mr. Rajiv Nigam not only mocked BJP but also termed it ‘Bahut Jyada Pyari’.
Supporting his points, he said that the party loves everyone who joins or helps them in forming government in any State or Center. He also predicted that in the future, they may also start liking Ms. Mamata Banerjee, Mr. Akhilesh Yadavo if they began supporting the party.
Commenting on Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi, he claimed that the party may offer them Rajya Sabha seats if they decide to join the party.
Here are the reactions of some of the netizens
Mr. Aashutos Kumar wrote, “When journalists are sold, you comedians are having the courage to say the right and doing the job of genuine journalists. Great job!”.
Mr. Sudeshna sethi commented, “Now a days I left news channel and following standing commedy for getting most important information, thanks rajiv ji”.
Kuljeet Singh: This country is heading towards total chaos. Pseudo nationalism is visible everywhere. Suraj Kumar: BJP is a north Indian party. Thank god we are happy with regional parties.