New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday apprehended Managing Director of Intelligent Communication System India Limited (ICSIL) R.S. Kaushik and his predecessor G.K. Nanda in connection with the corruption case involving Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s former Principal Secretary Rajendra Kumar.
Both Kaushik and Nanda were arrested for allegedly violating tender guidelines.
Rajendra Kumar was charged with abusing his official position to award contracts to M/s Endeavour Systems Pvt. Ltd (M/S ESPL) and securing government tenders worth Rs. 9.5 crore for the company between 2007 and 2014.
Kumar has been booked under Section 120-B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
CBI sources said a money trail was recovered from a publication agency in Agra during a raid conducted yesterday. The agency further claimed that the money from M/S ESPL was routed to one of the accused Ashok Kumar’s company.
Ashok Kumar, close aide of Rajendra Kumar, allegedly admitted taking bribes on behest of Rajendra Kumar.
According to CBI sources, Ashok Kumar on Wednesday confessed to his involvement in accepting huge bribes.
A CBI court on Tuesday remanded all five accused, including Rajendra Kumar, to five-day police custody in a corruption case. The CBI had sought 10-day police custody of Rajendra Kumar and four others in connection with this case.(ANI)