New Delhi: The police custody of son of independent Rajasthan legislator Nand Kishor, Siddharth Maharia, who was arrested for allegedly mowing down three people from his BMW car, was on Thursday extended by one day by a Jaipur Court.
Maharia was on Monday sent to three-day police custody, which was to end on Thursday. Three people were killed and five others injured when a BMW car allegedly driven by Siddharth rammed into an auto rickshaw and a police PCR van near St Xavier’s School in the city late on Friday night. Siddharth’s lawyer Deepak Chauhan said that the charges levied against his client were false, adding a person named Ramesh was responsible for the accident. The lawyer further said that Ramesh later on went to the police and said he was responsible for the accident.
The police alleged that 20-year-old Siddharth was driving the vehicle in an inebriated state. The incident occurred at around 1.50 AM when Siddharth and his cousin Jayant (19) were heading to Jyoti Nagar in a BMW.
The three victims were identified as Jethanand, Kailash and Vishnu.
Siddharth had cried foul, saying he was not driving the car and it was his driver who caused the accident. He also refused to the allegations levelled by the police, saying wherever a big car and youngsters are involved, there is doubt of alcohol consumption.