Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has put the entire administration on alert in view of forecast of heavy rainfall in the next two days.
KCR spoke to Chief Secretary Dr. Rajiv Sharma and Revenue Department Special Chief Secretary Pradeep Chandra and directed them to keep the entire official machinery in Hyderabad and all districts on alert. He also spoke to GHMC Commissioner Dr. B. Janardhan Reddy and Hyderabad Police Commission Mahender Reddy over phone and advised them to take all precautionary measures. The Chief Minister was told that a control room with the number 040-23454088 has already been set up.
The Chief Minister asked officials to shift people from low lying areas to safer places.
On the directions of Chief Minister, Pradeep Chandra convened the meeting of District Disaster Management Authority and directed all District Collectors and SPs to take precautionary measures to minimise the damages due to heavy rains.
Meanwhile, all departments, including Energy Department, have geared up to meet any eventuality. (INN)