This rain can be a hair-raising event

Bangalore, June 16: After the scorching heat, the rains definitely come as a relief, but they also signal the need for extra protection, be it of our homes, vehicles or us. Maintaining those lovely, long, shiny tresses is quite a task during the monsoon and the problems faced seem endless.

What are the causes?
After summer, when the monsoon arrives, humidity and moisture affects our hair the most. Rainy and damp weather make it difficult for the hair to dry normally and as a result, hair becomes weak and greasy. In the absence of sunlight is absent, the air is full of extra moisture,creating difficulties like limpness, greasiness and hair fall. Sometimes, the hair may be in the last phase of its life cycle. This, coupled with humidity, weakens the hair and makes it easily breakable.

How to keep hair clean?
Rainwater carries atmospheric pollutants that weaken the hair roots causing hair fall. So if you get drenched in the rain, shampoo your hair as soon as you get back home.

Extra chlorine is harmful: Along with rainwater, another danger during the monsoon is municipality-treated water. During the monsoon, the municipality guards against bacteria by adding extra chlorine in the water. This concentrated chlorine compound may kill the bacteria but can also be harmful to your skin. Chlorine can cause dry skin, dry hair, itching and flaking and hair loss. This is also the time for dandruff proliferation. So regular use of a mild anti-dandruff shampoo is thus recommended.

Hair treatments should be avoided: Avoid hot hair-treatments such as perming, straightening or colouring during the rainy season. These are not advisable since these treatments need time to settle on your strands and are likely to be washed away in the rain. When combined with wet weather, these treatments tend to weaken the hair shaft and promote breakage and hair fall. Ironing hair repeatedly is not advisable as the repeated flow of hot air can cause breakage.

What does the doctor say?
During the monsoon, hair does not dry totally leading to dull, frizzy, damp hair. To avoid limp and flat hair during this time, you should follow a fitness regime for your hair as well.

Some hirsute tips
Choose the right product: Always use a brand that suits your hair texture best and makes it clean and silky while reducing hair fall. A mild shampoo is a good option. Medicated shampoos are available nowadays to clean and revitalise the hair. Check with a dermatologist for more information

Don’t wash your hair frequently as this can lead to drying and breakage. Wash it twice or thrice a week.

Condition your hair after each wash as this will coat the hair fibers and protect it from environmental damage.

Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet. Protein and fruit
vitamins are necessary to fight against hair fall during the monsoon.

Make sure there is adequate intake of biotin, iron (ferrous) and proteins in your diet. These are available as oral supplements. Consult a dermatologist before choosing any product.
